AH - Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association
AH stands for Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association
Here you will find, what does AH stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association? Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association can be abbreviated as AH What does AH stand for? AH stands for Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association. What does Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association mean?Action Health-International Voluntary Health Association is an expansion of AH
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Alternative definitions of AH
- American History
- Authentication Header
- Attack Helicopter
- Ampere Hours
- Attack Helicopter
- Affordable Housing
- Attack Helicopter
- Andy Hilfiger
View 235 other definitions of AH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AH Action Heart
- AHAL Action Housing Association Limited
- ARS Action in Rural Sussex
- AMR Action Medical Research
- AMH Action Mental Health
- AMS Action MS
- ADD Action on Disability and Development
- AEA Action on Elder Abuse
- AP Action Partners
- APC Action Partners Corporation
- APM Action Partners Ministries
- AVI Action Village India
- AW Action Water
- ACRE Action with Communities in Rural England
- AA ActionAid
- ACF Active Change Foundation
- AHSR Active Health Studio Reetter
- ATE Active Training and Education
- A Activelink
- APCLT Actors Professional Centre Limited, The